Is Higher Education Worth The Price?

When watching the documentary “Ivory Tower” and reading the passages that were provided, it really caused me to rethink the purpose of higher education. Hearing many points of views about higher education was needed because topics such as this one are usually avoided in college courses. They usually cause students to evaluate their education and can cause an uproar that most colleges try to avoid. Many colleges do not want us to know the truth and they paint a utopia that can be unrealistic. However, my favorite passage to read was David Foster Wallace Commencement speech which occurred in 2005. His point was to say that higher education is not just about learning new things but they are teaching us how to think. We are so used to seeing and experiencing things at surface level but being in school teaches us to think deeper and to think about different points of views. Thinking is an important part of life which also helps with how we carry ourselves and how we reac...